Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Comin' Home!

Sawadeekah everyone (hello in Thai)!

Well this is it! I leave to come back home to the states Thursday morning 2/11 at four am. The last part of my mission here has been amazing! We spent our last day in Phuket finishing projects around the ministry. On the last night, we went as a team for the last time to the bars to say goodbye to the girls we had befriended. Although it was very hard saying goodbye to them (especially Pong) we knew it was time for us to leave. We are confident that Jesus had used us to our fullest there. ;o) I knew I had made an impact on Pong's life, but I didn't even realize how much she enjoyed being around us and actually considered us her friends. We both cried and said goodbye. I gave her my email address too. I hope to continue speaking God’s goodness and love into her life.

Later that night we all came back for a debriefing time to go over the night and we found out that instead of going back to Bangkok to do some local ministry work, we were treated to a two-night stay on a beautiful island called Koh Samed. We were very excited to be able to relax after all the work we had accomplished the past two months! The island was absolutely stunning! We felt so blessed to have time to relax and soak in the last few moments of our amazing time here in Thailand.

We are now at the YWAM base in Bangkok. On Thursday, Feb 11, (4pm Wed. Florida time) we will fly back to Colorado to have a week to discuss our time in Thailand, have some amazing teachings from leaders in YWAM, and say goodbye to our teammates, and then I'll fly home Feb. 20!

I was reflecting on my time here in Thailand, thinking how much God has been working in and through my life. At the beginning of this outreach, I prayed for him to show me the things that go unseen in this world, and to show me those things that hurt his heart, and this is exactly what he did! God was always willing to let me experience the heartbreak here, but also showed me the beauty of the people and this country. I know I did everything he wanted me to do here and I didn’t hold back from anything. I’m very excited to be going home, but I will never forget how faithful God was to my team and me here in Thailand and how much he worked through us here.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading what God has been doing here in Thailand and with me these past couple of months. It has been such a blessing having you all encourage and pray for me! Thank you so much for everything :)


Friday, February 5, 2010

Winding Down

Hey guys!

Wow, looking back at this location, the time has flown by! We are leaving this coming Sunday to spend the last few days of outreach in Bangkok; and then we're flying back to snowy Colorado February 11. There we will debrief for a week to help us move back into society and discuss our futures! But enough about that!

The past few weeks have been amazing! As you know, the US Navy came ashore in Patong (the red light district) this past Monday. Although it was difficult for my team and me to handle watching some things that happened at the bars, we had some amazing opportunities with some of the bar-girls! As you also know, I have been building a relationship with a 21-year-old woman named, Pong. Last night I did not go to the bar to meet with her, but my group told me they prayed for her in front of the bar before going in, and as a result she opened up a lot more about her life!

Another awesome opportunity happened with a girl from our team too. She was able to pour her heart into one of the bar-girls life and share with her how God had delivered her from a hard past and how faithful he has been to forgive her. God has opened many other amazing opportunities for my team and me. We feel so blessed to be working with the ministry here!

That’s all I can share for now. Thank you so much for all your support and prayers! It has been amazing to see God work through us, and remain faithful through our difficult times here :)

Please pray for our last few days here in Thailand, especially Phuket. Pray for our health and strength. We are growing weary. It's been rough these past few days pushing through being tired and not feeling a 100 percent! Also, please be praying for more breakthroughs Friday and Saturday night. It will be our last nights in the bars. We’re praying for a flood of women to leave the red light district!

Thank you so much everyone :) I love and miss you all! See you soon :)