Saturday, December 26, 2009

Landed Safely!

I’m now in Bangkok at an internet café. I have a little time to write, so I will tell you about my trip so far!

The plane ride was so sweet. I love flying internationally! Noelle and I were so spoiled, we had the best seats and the food was really good... haha :) and there was free TV! It’s so weird that it’s the middle of the night in Florida and 3:30 pm here! I have some intense culture shock! After getting off the plane, we piled into an open-bed truck and went to the YWAM base in Bangkok. It’s considered nice to most Thai homes, but to us it’s very, very poor. It breaks my heart seeing dogs get kicked and yelled at. Dogs are considered gross to the Thai people and they never touch them. The food is not that great to me, but everyone else loves starving! But, I eat it anyways and thank God I don’t have to eat it at home!

We are relaxing so far and enjoying the city. I love the prices and bartering. It’s really fun, even though I’m horrible at it, because it makes me feel guilty! But without my friends, people would take advantage of me! Everyone is very nice and loves trying to speak English. They also love it when you speak their language and acknowledge them. It’s so fun trying to talk to people who don’t speak English. Very challenging! I’m always confused.

Hmmm…what else? Oh, I ran into the corner of a metal door and smacked the whole right side of my face. It knocked me out, and when I came to everyone was freaking out because my wound was really deep. When they cleaned it out I was balling, it hurt so bad! My right eye, cheek, and forehead are all cut up and swollen! I look like I was's pretty funny, except it really hurts.

I love the weather here! Everyone else hates it, but I love it, 90 degrees and a little windy! Everything is very dirty, but it’s a new adventure everyday!

I feel like a celebrity here. They love American girls, especially blondes. It’s hilarious; they think we’re so beautiful because we look so different. In the stores, they even sell whitening cream to make their skin light...the lighter the better to them. Even though they’re very poor, they dress very nice all the time, and they are all so quiet--I love it! :)

I can’t wait to tell you more, but I don’t know when I’ll be at a computer again!

Chan Raqoon (I love you)
Dana :)


  1. All sounds very fun Dana! Except for the metal door.... Ouch! Be safe, stay well, and have fun. My whole family is very proud of you and is constintly asking if i've heard anything new.

    Best wishes and prayers,

    P.S. Mrs. Karen told me today that I must get you to come up and see her when you get back :)

  2. Hey, Dana! We are at the Urbana missions conference and they have YWAM booth here. I thought of you. We are hearing lots about mission work. I'm sure you'll get better at bargaining; I would be terrible at it too. It's sad about the dogs, but there are people who suffer that way too. Take it easy and heal up! Mrs. Nielsen

  3. Makes me homesick for Thailand. I taught there for many years and my cousin is teaching in Bang Saen.I know you will have a wonderful time.

    cheers Athol
